1. Any Snack That Only Contains Carbs. When you eat crackers, dry cereal, bread, or biscuits alone, your body converts the carbs to simple sugars, and sends it directly into your blood stream. In response to the sugar rush, your body produces extra insulin, which helps your body absorb the sugar ASAP. The problem: You end up with low blood sugar and the same hunger pangs that led you to carb it upin the first place.

2. Frozen Meals:

To make fresh ingredients last extra long in your freezer, food manufacturers often load frozen meals with sodium, a natural preservative, Harvest says. Sodium makes you retain water, which bloats you up – so you won’t look and feel your best regardless of how much weight you want to lose.

3. “Low-Fat” Foods (lol)

Research suggests that people tend to eat upwards of 30 percent more when they know they’re eating a food that’s low fat. The problem (besides overeating, which can thwart your weight loss goals fast) is that when food makers remove fat from food, they inevitably remove some of the flavor. To compensate, they often add sugar, which makes the product even worse for you. And you wonder why you’re not shedding that fat??

4. Juice

It takes several oranges to make one 6-ounce glass of Organic juice(OJ), but when you drink juice, you consume all the calories from those oranges without the natural fruit fibers that fill you up. It’s why “even 100 percent juice is just empty calories and another blood sugar spike. Fructose, the natural fruit sugar that makes fruit and fruit juice taste sweet, tricks your body into gaining weight by blunting your body’s ability to recognize when it’s full. This makes you eat more, and increases your risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes.

5 . Artificially Sweetened Drinks

Goodbye, diet soda, and every other sweet-tasting drink that mysteriously contains zero calories! “There are some people whose brains are wired in a way that artificial sweeteners induce or enhance cravings,If drinking a Diet coke leads you to consuming more junk, then you’d certainly be better off with water Or carbonated water: It’s calorie-free, but carbonated, which makes your stomach feel full so you end up eating less overall.

6. Alcohol, booze, shayo:

Depending on what you refer to it as, you can never find a nutritionist that would recommend alcohol during weightloss. Alcohol just doesn’t support weight loss. It contains empty calories that don’t fill you up or provide any nutrients; softens your resolve so you’re more likely to overeat; and impairs your judgement, regardless of your weight loss goals. (It’s why you drunk and you eat carelessly.) But it gets worse: “When alcohol is present in your body, it’s considered a toxin that your body wants to get rid of, and becomes your liver’s top priority.  When your liver is in hardcore detox mode, it can’t burn fat as efficiently. Because that’s a major buzz kill, skip the boozers altogether if you’re serious about losing weight. Or at least cut back on the booze, big time.